Australian Curriculum
The Australian Curriculum specifies the knowledge, understanding and skills to be taught and
learned within a given subject area from Kindergarten to year 10. Each content area is accompanied
by an Achievement Standard. Achievement Standards refer to the quality of learning (the depth of
understanding, extent of knowledge and sophistication of skill) demonstrated by students within a
given subject.
Teachers use the Australian Curriculum achievement standards and content to identify current levels of learning and achievement, and then to select the most appropriate content (possibly from across several year levels) to teach individual students and/or groups of students. Teachers develop teaching programs designed to build on current learning. In each class, there may be students with a range of prior achievement (below, at or above the year level expectations).
Teachers also use the achievement standards at the end of a period of teaching, to make on-balance judgements about the quality of learning demonstrated by students – that is, whether the students have achieved below, at or above the standard. To make judgements, teachers draw on assessment data they have collected as evidence during the course of the teaching period.
Queensland schools are required to implement all 8 learning areas of the Australian Curriculum
version 8 in Prep to Year 10 by the end of 2020.
The Australian Curriculum consists of 8 learning areas, 7 general capabilities and 3 cross-curriculum priorities. In delivering the curriculum, all aspects of the achievement standard for each learning area and/or subject provided in a year and/or band are to be covered.
The 8 learning areas include:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Health and Physical Education
- Technologies
- The Arts
- Languages
The Prep year has been recognised as the first year of schooling in Queensland since 2012. Prep is equivalent to the Foundation year (F) of the Australian Curriculum.
For Prep the following five point scale is used to report on student achievement in the Australian Curriculum:
Applying (AP)
The student applies a thorough understanding of the required concepts, facts and procedures. The student demonstrates a high level of skill that can be transferred to new situations.
Making Connections (MC)
The student makes connections using the curriculum content and demonstrates a clear understanding of the required concepts, facts and procedures. The student applies a high level of skill in situations familiar to them and is beginning to transfer skills to new situations.
Working With (WW)
The student can work with the curriculum content and demonstrates understanding of the required concepts, facts and procedures. The student can apply skills in situations familiar to them.
Exploring (EX)
The student is exploring the curriculum content and demonstrates understanding of aspects of the required concepts, facts and procedures. The student applies a varying level of skill in situations familiar to them.
Becoming Aware (BA)
The student is becoming aware of the curriculum content and demonstrates a basic understanding of aspects of required concepts, facts and procedures. The student is beginning to apply skills in situations familiar to them.
N: Insufficient evidence to make a judgment.
Reporting in Years 1 and 2
For Years 1 and 2 the following five point scale is used to report on student achievement:
Very High
The student applies a thorough understanding of the required concepts, facts and procedures. The student demonstrates a high level of skill that can be transferred to new situations.
The student makes connections using the curriculum content and demonstrates a clear understanding of the required concepts, facts and procedures. The student applies a high level of skill in situations familiar to them and is beginning to transfer skills to new situations.
The student can work with the curriculum content and demonstrates understanding of the required concepts, facts and procedures. The student can apply skills in situations familiar to them.
The student is exploring the curriculum content and demonstrates understanding of aspects of the required concepts, facts and procedures. The student applies a varying level of skills in situations familiar to them.
Support required
The student is becoming aware of the curriculum content and demonstrates a basic understanding of aspects of required concepts, facts and procedures. The student is beginning to apply skills in situations familiar to them.
N: Insufficient evidence to make a judgment.
Reporting in Years 3 – 6
For Years 3 – 6 the following five-point scale is used to report student achievement:
A Evidence in a student's work typically demonstrates a very high level of knowledge and understanding of the content (facts, concepts, and procedures), and application of skills.
B Evidence in a student's work typically demonstrates a high level of knowledge and understanding of the content (facts, concepts, and procedures), and application of skills.
C Evidence in a student's work typically demonstrates a sound level of knowledge and understanding of the content (facts, concepts, and procedures), and application of skills.
D Evidence in a student's work typically demonstrates a limited level of knowledge and understanding of the content (facts, concepts and procedures), and application of skills.
E Evidence in a student's work typically demonstrates a very limited level of knowledge and understanding of the content (facts, concepts and procedures), and application of skills.
N: Insufficient evidence to make a judgment.